Chairman’s Message
The purpose of the Arlington-Grand Prairie (AGP) Guide Right Foundation is to provide mentoring and leadership to the young males in the Dallas – Fort Worth Metroplex community. Our organization is very committed in working with the young males in elementary schools, middle schools and high schools through several programs like Kappa League, Adopt-A-School, and our Beautillion Program by providing them with leadership skills, goals, aspiration for the future, scholarships, and positive male role-modeling. With the positive male role modeling, we want to implement responsibility, honesty, moral, values and integrity. All activities and programs are taken from one or more of the following phrases:Phase I Self Identity / PurposePhase II TrainingPhase III CompetitionPhase IV SocialPhase V Health EducationPhase VI Economic Empowerment & EducationPhase VII College & Career The Arlington-Grand Prairie Guide Right Program will continue the tradition to operate on the level that exceeds our goals and visions in order to help our young males in the community.
Mark A. Lewis
AGP Guide Right Foundation, Inc.
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Arlington-Grand Prairie Guide Right Foundation is to provide mentoring and leadership to the youth of the Dallas – Fort Worth Metroplex community. To that end the organization is committed: To working with middle schools and high schools through an Adopt-A-School mentoring program. To provide leadership and positive male role-modeling to young men through our affiliation with the Kappa League youth program. To serve as a conduit for providing college scholarships awards funds for Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex high school seniors through the annual Metroplex Beautillion Presentation program.